National Cancer Survivors Month

August 12, 2022

Join CanCare in creating awareness and celebrating National Cancer Survivor Awareness Month!

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There are more than 18 million people who have survived cancer in the United States alone, according to a study by The American Cancer Society (ACS). What does it mean to be a cancer survivor? According to the National Cancer Institute, a person is considered a cancer survivor from the moment they receive a diagnosis and throughout their entire life. Anyone going through treatments, living through their diagnosis, or dealing with what comes after overcoming cancer is a survivor. If this describes you, please consider volunteering to provide emotional support to someone going through a similar situation.

The odds are likely that someone close to you is a cancer survivor, and taking part in National Cancer Survivors Month is a great way to honor them and raise awareness of the challenges that come with survivorship!

National Cancer Month History

Cancer Survivor Superwoman at Parade

June is a significant month for honoring and celebrating cancer survivors. The National Cancer Survivors Day was established on November 20, 1987, by Merril Hastings at the second national conference meeting of the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Since then, the first Sunday of every June, as well as the entire month of June, have been dedicated to recognizing and commemorating those affected by cancer and promoting awareness for cancer survivorship.

Ways to Celebrate Cancer Survivors in June

June is a special month dedicated to celebrating cancer survivors and raising awareness for their journey. National Cancer Survivors Day marks an important occasion to honor and remember those affected by cancer. If you're looking for meaningful ways to celebrate cancer survivors in June, consider the following suggestions:

Attend An Event

Throughout June, numerous events are held nationwide to commemorate cancer survivors and raise funds to support their ongoing needs. Participating in these events allows you to show support and solidarity with survivors and contribute to their well-being.

Post On Social Media

Nation Cancer Awareness Month, several different colored cancer ribbons in a group

Sharing your own cancer survivor story or that of a loved one on social media can be a powerful way to shed light on the challenges faced by cancer survivors. By opening up about experiences and highlighting the resilience of survivors, you can help raise awareness and provide inspiration to others.


Making a donation to an organization that provides support to cancer survivors is a meaningful gesture. When uncertain about where to donate, consider contributing to CanCare. We are dedicated to assisting and empowering cancer survivors. Your donation can help provide resources, services, and emotional support to those in need.


Becoming a cancer emotional support volunteer is a compassionate and impactful way to provide assistance to individuals affected by cancer. CanCare is an organization that gives individuals the opportunity to volunteer as emotional support providers for cancer patients and their families.

By attending events, sharing stories on social media, and making donations, you actively contribute to the celebration and support of cancer survivors in June. Your involvement can make a positive impact and inspire others to join in honoring the resilience and strength of those who have faced cancer.

If volunteering isn’t for you but you still want to help, you can donate to CanCare and still play a vital role in supporting others through their cancer journey!

If volunteering isn’t for you but you still want to help, you can donate to CanCare and still play a vital role in supporting others through their cancer journey!

CanCare Emotional Support Volunteers Opportunities

If you have a compassionate spirit and a desire to make a positive impact in the lives of others facing cancer, there are various cancer volunteer opportunities available with CanCare. We welcome cancer survivors and caregivers to join as volunteers and lend their support to those going through the cancer journey. By becoming a CanCare volunteer, you have the chance to learn, share, and develop skills while making a lasting impact on the lives of others. As a CanCare volunteer, you will provide hope and support to someone who is experiencing the challenges and emotional struggles that accompany a cancer diagnosis. Our mission at CanCare is to ensure that anyone facing cancer has a survivor by their side.


Why You Should Offer Support to Cancer Survivors

Cancer Survivor Closeup Hands and Wristbands

Supporting cancer survivors is crucial, and it's essential to understand that their journey doesn't end once treatments are completed. Survivorship comes with ongoing challenges and adjustments that require support and understanding.

Many people mistakenly believe that the hardships for a cancer survivor come to an end after completing treatments. However, the reality is that survivorship brings a new set of struggles and challenges as individuals strive to find their new normal. The recovery process for a cancer survivor is a lengthy one, requiring time for the body to heal and regain strength. In addition to physical rehabilitation, the cancer journey is emotionally taxing. Adjusting to life as a survivor involves lifelong cancer screenings, managing the fear of recurrence, and adapting to lifestyle changes, such as alterations in work and relationships.

Recognizing the ongoing difficulties that cancer survivors face is essential, and offering support can make a significant difference in their lives. By raising awareness and educating others about the journey of cancer survivors, we can foster understanding and empathy. One way to demonstrate support is by celebrating National Cancer Survivor Awareness Month, a time to acknowledge and honor those who have been affected by cancer. This not only shows solidarity with survivors but also reassures them that they are not alone in their experiences.

Cancer Stories

Nation Cancer Awareness Month, circle of paper cut out people holding hands

Cancer stories are incredibly diverse and reflect the unique experiences of individuals who have faced this disease. Each story encompasses the journey from diagnosis to treatment and ultimately life as a cancer survivor. At CanCare, we understand the power of sharing these stories, which is why we highlight cancer survivor stories and volunteer testimonials to inspire hope and strength. These narratives serve as a powerful tool to offer support, encouragement, and a sense of connection to those who may be going through similar experiences. By sharing these stories, we aim to foster a community of resilience and provide a source of inspiration for individuals impacted by cancer.

Cancer Testimonials

Cancer Online Support Groups

Nation Cancer Awareness Month, one on one cancer support team

In addition to the valuable one-on-one support provided by CanCare, we also offer an online cancer support group that allows individuals to connect with others who are facing similar challenges. These support groups provide a platform for individuals to interact and find additional support from those who understand their experiences firsthand. 

Cancer Caregiver Support

CanCare recognizes the importance of caregivers in the cancer journey and offers specific support tailored to caregivers of individuals diagnosed with cancer. We have volunteer caregivers who provide one-on-one support, as well as cancer caregiver support groups where caregivers can connect with others in similar roles.

Get Emotional Support Through CanCare

Cancer Survivor at Support Group

At CanCare, our community provides emotional support for survivors and those facing cancer in Houston, Austin, Dallas, and other areas around Texas. We believe that no one should go through this alone and we dedicate ourselves to creating a safe space for cancer survivors, caregivers, and people currently living with cancer.  We ensure that you have a shoulder to lean on and a survivor by your side.

Our mission is to provide you with the best emotional support by connecting you with a survivor who has been in your shoes. We consider your cancer type, stage, and treatment to match you with a trained volunteer who has been in a similar situation and can relate to your current experiences. So reach out to CanCare and find the support you need!

Becoming a volunteer is rewarding and can also offer fulfillment for a survivor who is still processing their own experiences and the challenges that they faced during their diagnosis. You are invited to join our CanCare community; sign up to become a cancer survivor volunteer.