End of Year Giving

Dear Friend,

I will never forget that day in February 2014 when the doctor said, “It’s confirmed, you have prostate cancer".  I had been dreading the biopsy results for weeks. Like so many, I was no stranger to cancer. Both my parents and my brother were cancer survivors. But nothing can prepare you to hear those words directed straight to you.

I was fortunate to have a friend who was a prostate cancer survivor who also happened to be a volunteer for CanCare. Stuart stood by my side through my journey, answering questions and providing perspective that only someone who had walked the same path could.  

My cancer diagnosis didn’t just impact me, it impacted my family. Stuart was also an invaluable supporter to my wife in her role as caregiver. The empathy and emotional clarity that grew in us instilled a spiritual peace and hope for us both.

The hope Stuart gave me was so instrumental to my healing and personal survivorship experience that I wanted to pay that gift forward. I signed up to serve as a CanCare volunteer so I could become that survivor by the side to others facing cancer.  It has been a life changing commitment and personal investment for me.  

CanCare is an incredible organization dedicated to providing hope and healing to the cancer community by ensuring anyone facing cancer can have a survivor by their side. Last year, CanCare served a record 1,411 cancer patients and caregivers by matching them with a survivor with a similar cancer story.

I am so passionate and committed to CanCare's mission and vision that I am now serving as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. We have bold plans to increase our impact on those facing cancer and we need your support!

As you consider your year-end giving this year, we ask for you to consider CanCare. With your support, we can provide HOPE to so many more facing cancer!

With gratitude,  

Val Brock

Cancer Survivor, Cancer Caregiver, and CanCare Volunteer

Chairman, CanCare Board of Directors