Volunteer Spotlight

By: Daniella Martinez

This May we are highlighting a generous and caring volunteer that has a true heart for caregiving, Sharon Kimble-Kramchack. Sharon was a caregiver to her husband who survived stage 4 lymphoma and is also a CanCare volunteer. Here she is sharing a bit about herself and what makes her so unique:

"I was born and raised in San Antonio, TX and moved to Houston to finish my degree and became an accountant/tax analyst. When I am not taking on CanCare clients to support, I enjoy cycling and sewing.

We learned about CanCare after my husband's first cancer diagnosis from two of his co-workers who were involved with CanCare. Cancer taught me and my husband what really matters in life. We lose too much time worrying about things that don't really matter. Cancer teaches you to prioritize and move forward on items that really matter.

I wish that other people knew that CanCare is here to help the patient as well as the survivor. So many times, people have a large circle of friends, but they or their friends do not know how to reach out and speak to them regarding their illness, or how to be a caregiver for a loved one dealing with cancer. We at CanCare have firsthand experience! No matter your type of cancer; if you are personally fighting this disease, odds are there is a CanCare Survivor who can speak directly to you about your illness. A lot of people can listen, the CanCare Survivors can RELATE. There are also CanCare Caregivers who are ready and willing to speak to the new caregiver about how to take care of their loved one."

Sharon is a fierce champion of the CanCare mission, and we are blessed she is a volunteer for our clients. Thank you for all you do!