Volunteer Spotlight

By: Daniella Martinez

For National Cancer Survivors Month this year we are honoring our volunteer Mike Deitch, who is a brain cancer survivor of over 60 years. He embodies perseverance and is incredibly vibrant with our clients. Here is a bit about him:

Mike grew up in Long Island, New York. He works in sales and is a musician. Outside of volunteering for CanCare, he is an avid reader. Currently he is enjoying "A Gathering of Angels" by Moris B. Margolis.

Mike doesn’t exactly remember how he heard about CanCare, but he does remember the feeling of wanting more people to know that cancer does not mean it's over. He believes that CanCare helps people to grow and unify, "Our common welfare comes first", he shares. When asked what he felt the gift was that cancer gave him he expressed “True awareness and amazement. Not only about what has been achieved regarding treatment but realizing at depth a spiritual connection. As said in recovery, my 'Higher Power' is not cancer. The love, devotion and efforts from God, family, friends, and practitioners is what was and still is given. I know I am part of this as well.”

Thank you Mike for all that you are and do for our clients! You are wonderful and we are lucky you are a part of the CanCare family.