Volunteer to Help People Facing Cancer

Our Houston Cancer Volunteer Page

Providing a survivor by the side of anyone facing cancer.

*If you are in need of financial support please see our resources. CanCare offers emotional support to cancer patients and their families.

Become a Cancer Survivor Volunteer in Houston, TX

Calling all cancer survivors! Join CanCare and be a beacon of hope in the lives of those affected by cancer in Houston. Our survivor volunteers are individuals who have firsthand experience living with cancer. Become a volunteer with CanCare and make a meaningful difference in our community!

CanCare is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing hope and healing to those facing cancer by ensuring they have a survivor by their side. Our extensive network of volunteers offer hope to cancer patients and their caregivers nationwide through personalized online support.

Our Mission at CanCare

At CanCare, we're dedicated to making sure no one faces cancer alone. We believe in the power of support and understanding during such a tough time. By volunteering with us, you get to turn your personal cancer journey into help for other people going through cancer. 

You might listen to their stories, cheer them on, or share your own experiences with cancer. Your kindness and support can be a huge relief, helping them feel hopeful and connected. It's all about showing them they have someone by their side who is familiar with the cancer journey.

What Makes CanCare Volunteers Effective?

CanCare volunteers are effective in providing emotional support to cancer patients and caregivers due to the training they are provided by CanCare and the thoughtful matching process used to connect volunteers with clients. Factors such as cancer type and stage, treatment, age, and gender are considered to ensure personalized connections, fostering understanding and empathy during the cancer journey.

Join us in our mission to provide hope and healing to the cancer community by ensuring anyone facing cancer can have a survivor by their side.

Cancer Volunteer Opportunities - Ways to Make An Impact

We have many ways for volunteers to help, like:

  • Visiting survivors during treatment in hospitals or treatment centers.
  • Leading and participating in online support groups
  • Providing one-on-one support online or by phone.

When you volunteer with us, you're giving patients and their families hope and strength. Your dedication shows them that they have someone to lean on during tough times. Your support is special, because our clients know you’ve been on the journey. It's a simple but powerful way to make a big and positive impact on someone's life.

These volunteers make a big difference by just being there, showing patients and families they're not alone. We're really thankful for the work they do, making life a bit brighter for people facing cancer in Houston.

Types of Volunteers at CanCare

cancer survivor volunteers

Individuals who have lived with a cancer diagnosis volunteer to support others currently living with cancer. They offer understanding, empathy, and encouragement to patients and caregivers, ensuring no one faces cancer alone.

caregiver support volunteers

These volunteers dedicate their time to emotionally support caregivers of cancer patients. They provide practical advice and a compassionate ear to help caregivers navigate their roles effectively.

healthcare volunteers

Healthcare volunteers offer emotional support and companionship to cancer patients and their families during medical appointments, treatments, or hospital stays, enhancing their well-being and comfort throughout their cancer journey.

One-on-One Cancer Volunteer ​​Opportunities Near Houston

What Is The Role of a One-on-One Volunteer At CanCare?

As a volunteer, you will provide personal, one-on-one virtual support online to those navigating the challenges of cancer.

How Do We Match Emotional Support Volunteers?

How we match our volunteers is what makes our support so effective! When you volunteer with us to provide emotional support to people dealing with cancer, we make sure to pair you up thoughtfully. We look at things like the type and stage of cancer, the treatment being used, their age, and their gender

This helps us find the best match for you, whether you're a cancer survivor or someone who has cared for a person with cancer. Your job as a volunteer is to meet the client where they are, offering a shoulder to lean on, encouragement, and understanding through online chats or calls phone calls, texts, emails and video calls.

You get to share your own experiences and offer comfort, making a real difference in their journey. This personalized matching ensures that both you and the person you're supporting can connect on a deeper level, making the support you offer even more meaningful.

Cancer Support Volunteer Training Information

At CanCare, we want our volunteers to be really good at helping cancer patients and their families. That's why we have a special training program. It teaches you everything you need to know to give great support and make a positive impact. Whether it's learning how to listen and offer encouragement, or understanding more about cancer and the emotional effect it has on individuals, our training prepares you to be the best volunteer you can be.

Who Leads CanCare’s Training Program?

Our training program is run by therapists and training specialists. They're the experts who will guide you through everything you need to know. You'll learn all about CanCare's goals and the ways we help people in the community.

What You’ll Learn From Our Volunteer Training Program

You'll really get into the details of what people caring for someone with cancer go through. You'll see how their work affects both their own emotions and those of the person with cancer. A big part of the training is learning how to listen well. We teach you how to really hear what people are saying, which helps you connect with and support someone who's dealing with cancer.

We Want To Help You Work Through Your Own Journey 

Our training program is not only an opportunity to make a positive impact on somebody else’s life but is also a chance for you to reflect on your journey. You’ll gain a better understanding of the deep and complex feelings that come with a cancer diagnosis, and work through any vulnerabilities. 

Going through this process yourself makes you even better at offering genuine empathy and support to others. We believe that your personal experience can be a powerful tool in helping you connect with and assist those facing similar challenges.

CanCare Virtual Volunteer Training Dates

Join our volunteer training at CanCare and start making a positive impact on the lives of those dealing with cancer in Houston. We're offering online and virtual training classes on several dates, making it convenient for you to get involved. Here are the upcoming virtual training session dates:

Benefits of Being an Cancer Survivor Volunteer in Houston

When becoming an emotional support volunteer, here are just a few of the many benefits that you will get out of the experience: 

  • Find Purpose: Help cancer patients and their families in Houston feel supported and reassured by giving your time and care. It's a chance to make a real difference during their tough times.
  • Give Support: Your role in offering a listening ear and understanding talks helps lessen their loneliness and brings comfort. You're a key part of their support system.
  • Grow Personally: As a volunteer, you'll learn a lot about others and yourself. You'll improve your communication, become more empathetic, and see life from new perspectives.
  • Connect: You'll meet people going through similar experiences, whether it’s patients, their families, or fellow volunteers. These connections can become a source of mutual support and friendship.
  • Make an Impact: Your efforts mean a lot. Just by being there, you brighten the lives of those facing cancer, helping them find joy and strength in their journey.

See What Our Volunteers Are Saying